Wednesday 29 July 2020

Tips to boost your immunity

Although it is necessary to keep the immune system at its best possible condition at all times, opting for natural immunity boosters is what feels most relevant in these unprecedented times. While most doctors recommend the nutrients that would prepare you better against the lingering threats, you should readily emphasize on consuming natural food items to increase the associated vitamin and mineral uptake.
In the subsequent sections, we shall talk about 5 of the best natural immunity boosters, readily available in every household:
1. Turmeric
This immunity booster has been around for the longest time as a dietary staple. However, the potential of turmeric is often underused. This substance is best known to treat cold, wounds and conditions related to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis courtesy of the higher Curcumin concentrations.
Besides lending colour to turmeric, Curcumin is a compound that can readily deal with muscle damage while pacifying inflammation and pain. Furthermore, several studies have shown that Curcumin also boasts of antiviral traits.
      2. Citrus Fruits
Nothing boosts immunity better than vitamin C and what’s better than consuming a bowl of citrus fruits daily to maintain the recommended daily uptake value of 90mg. Although you can always purchase OTC chewable tablets to hit the daily goals, it is advisable to consume fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and more in higher quantities for maintaining requisite levels.
Vitamin C specifically builds immunity against cold, an extremely essential trait with the COVID-19 cases increasing at an alarming rate.
      3. Garlic
Without a doubt, Garlic is one of the more powerful immunity boosters to bank on, especially when the infection-fighting potential is concerned. Certain studies have also shown the positive impact of garlic on lowering hypertension and blood pressure. Regular consumption of raw garlic is also known to avoid artery hardening.
It is Allicin, a sulphur-rich compound that renders the magical, immune-boosting traits to garlic. Most importantly, this entity is extremely easy to locate.
      4. Ginger
Garlic is best complemented by ginger, especially if you are looking to build some immunity against the seasonal flu and cold. Ginger boasts of several anti-inflammatory capabilities. Besides that, it can also help if you have a sore throat or are feeling nauseated. Ginger also establishes a sense of holistic well-being as it can lower chronic pain in the body while keeping your cholesterol levels in check.
This natural substance features gingerol, a variant of capsaicin, best known for the host of medicinal and empowering properties on display.
      5. Red Bell Peppers
While we always must consume green veggies like spinach, the inclusion of red bell peppers can readily spice up the flavours along with boosting immunity, cohesively. Firstly, red bell peppers contain high levels of Vitamin C as compared to a single serving of any citrus fruit.
Besides that, red bell peppers also contain adequate levels of Beta Carotene which helps the body with natural Vitamin A production, which is necessary for keeping the skin and eyes healthy.
Each one of the natural immunity boosters is easily accessible and doesn’t require a massive effort on your part to arrange. However, you need to consume them for an extensive period to explore each one of the aforementioned benefits.
While you can add the above-mentioned immunity boosters to your diet, you should simultaneously keep a track of your progress by undergoing full body checkup checkups. You can book an appointment at CDRP, just to oversee the immune response of the body to the changes you make to your diet and the changes that are happening in your environment. If you identify irregularities in health, Dr. Ratna Prakash Clinic also has the best treatment options for the concerned conditions.

Saturday 4 July 2020

How to improve men's health? What check-ups are needed?

It’s important that men across Australia access health services to prevent problems and manage health issues[2]. Men are notorious for neglecting their physical and mental health, but they need to know that it’s okay to seek help for anything. It’s also better to have a check-up that reveals nothing serious, than to miss the opportunity of preventing a serious health problem.
Every hour 4 men die from potentially preventable health conditions in Australia [1]. Biological factors do play some part, but most threats to men’s health are illnesses linked to lifestyle choices and behaviour. As the reality is, men who eat nutritious food, exercise, undertake regular activity, keep track of their health and get prompt treatment for health problems have a better chance of a healthy and long life[1].

Starting in your 20s and in your 30s, men should have an annual check-up which includes (and carries on through all decades)[1]:

  • Mental health care – talk to your GP about concerns with anxiety and/or depression
  • Weight and waist measurement – blood pressure check
  • Blood cholesterol and glucose screening
  • Testicular cancer screening – also check testicles yourself monthly for lumps and bumps
  • Skin cancer screening
  • Flu shot – seasonal
  • Dental check-up

From age 40:

  • Men with a history of prostate cancer should discuss prostate health with their GP
  • Blood test for liver and kidney function
  • Eye check
  • Heart check to determine future risk

From age 50:

  • Bowel cancer screening
  • Prostate cancer screening
  • Hearing test

From age 60-70:

  • Pneumonia shot
  • Bone density check
  • Eye check – especially for glaucoma and cataracts

From age 80:

  • Assessment for risk of falls (balance, feet, footwear)
  • Immunisations if recommended by GP
  • Waterworks or bowel issues

Helping the men in your life:

Improving men’s health outcomes is a two-way process involving men, women, and families, and health services combined[2]. Ladies – be proactive about helping the men and boys in your life get the help they need. Discuss with them the importance of having regular health check-ups. Remind them they can talk to anyone they feel comfortable with: their wife/partner, friends, workmates, GP. You can also phone hotlines for help and speak with professionals to determine the best course of action[2].
Men need to know that they need to get medical help if they feel unwell or notice unusual symptoms or have a problem that won’t resolve. Remind men, it’s okay to seek help. No-one should bury their problems or try to do everything on their own. They may need to work hard to get the help needed to manage their life, work, family, and financial needs[2]. It’s also good for parents to encourage their sons to express their feelings.

Telehealth and Online Appointment Bookings: Support easy access and info for preventative health

Why aren’t men getting care? For men who say it’s inconvenient to make time or get to a doctor, tech is the solution. Healthcare has never been more accessible to find appointments with healthcare providers when and where you need it, thanks to tech like HealthEngine’s telehealth and online appointment bookings.
  •  Telehealth is a great place to start and appointments can be accessed 24/7.  Check with your regular GP for telehealth first or if you don’t have one, you can search and find someone near you on HealthEngine.  You can find psychologists here too after talking with your GP about mental health questions or concerns for in-person or telehealth appointments.
  • A face-to-face visit with GP may be needed as a follow-up to telehealth.
  • With online appointment booking on HealthEngine, you can book appointments when convenient to you.  If you need to find a GP, you can find a practice close to home or work and search by male, or female GP if you have a preference.  You can also see if a practice is a bulk or privately billed.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

What Is General Physician?


General Physician are highly trained specialists who diagnose and treat various diseases in order to improve their patients’ overall health. Physician which can provide a more holistic care to supporting, patients treat all type of general diseases. Most of their work takes place with hospitalized patients and more physicians also watch patients in their consulting room. A general physician is able to interpret medical results of x-rays, blood tests, Full body checkup and other patient tests like ECG. Physician is not a specialist but is having qualified to treat a very large number of diseases. General medicine is a big wide field for medicine. When the physician felt that a treating a disease is hard, and going out of control, then physician refers to a Specialist. Physician play an most important role in the medical science because they are always the first to be contacted by patient. They have a large range of knowledge and skills that help them treat patient of any gender, age and with different health problems. 

Role of general physician:-
·         Minor injuries and illnesses- if you have a serious injury or illness or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
·         They are trained to provide long-term treating to patients suffering from general, chronic conditions and acute illnesses.
·         It is their responsibility to understand their patients about health maintenance. Disparate other medical doctors who are mainly answerable for treating patients, general physician differ because they also have the chance to help prevent illnesses.

How to find a physician:-
The good thing for your health is to developed a long-term relationship with a physician you trust. It is important to search someone you feel comfortable with and who you can talk to honestly and openly. Ask for recommend from friends, neighbours, and family, or from other consultant in your area. If you are looking for a physician who talk a certain language or who understands your culture, talk to people in your group to see who they recommend. You can make an appointment to go the physician for a check up to watch if you like them. It is best to develop a relationship with a physician before you get injured or illness. You don’t have to stay with a physician if you don not want to. You can visit Meany physician and practices until you search the right one.
 Best General Physician

Sunday 9 February 2020

7 Important things to do regular health checkup

Monday 3 February 2020

How to Choose the best doctor for Your Family Care

The best doctor helps to keep healthy and fit from the critical disease. So you need to find the best doctor and best treatment for your family and friends. And when you are searching for a good doctor for treatment then you need to decide which type of doctor you want to consult. Like if you have general problems like fever, cold, cough, weakness, stomach, and other general problems then you need to choose a general physician doctor.

General physician doctor is highly trained in medicine department, He has a good knowledge of all general disease. When you have a bone problem or disease then you need to consult with an orthopedic doctor. These are some point that helps you can easily identify the best doctor.

Doctor Background:- Firstly check the doctor’s background like which college did he study, which type of specialization he has and how many years of experience he has. And if is possible to get a review from his patients, because they give the best information related to the doctor.

If you are searching for best general physician doctor in Patna

Dr. Ratan Prakash is the best general physician doctor in Patna, He has more than 30 years of experience in the medical sector or physician consultation. He also provides the sugar checkup in Patna, full body checkup in Patna, ECG test in Patna at best and affordable price.

Thursday 16 January 2020

About the Doctor Ratan Prakash

Dr. Ratan Prakash is the best general physician doctor in Patna, He has more than 30 years experience in medical sector. His clinic is also offer Full body Checkup, Sugar Checkup, Physician Consultant, and ECG Test.